Thursday, October 02, 2008

Colori d'autunno

A dir la verità non sono un'amante del freddo autunno, comincia a fare troppo freddo anche solo per uscire la sera... ma devo ammettere che i colori e i profumi autunnali sono davvero fantastici!
Adoro camminare per strada e sentire il profumo delle castagne abbrustolite ai banchetti, o entrare in caldo e accogliente bar per una cioccolata con panna...
Come se non bastasse, iniziano le sagre! Castagne, tortellino, tartufo... non vedo l'ora!
Qui alcune della zona dell'Emilia Romagna:

Actually, I'm not a real fan of autumn, it's too cold and humid and going out is not really attractive... but I have to admit that colours, fragrances are lovely.
I really love walking along the streets and smelling the fragrances of chestnut being cooked at little stands, also I really really love hot chocolate with whipped cream!
In Italy, expecially in the North, in this period there are a lot of festivals, the chestnuts' ones, the mushrooms' ones -truffle in particular- etc.
In my region there is the "tortellino" one, which is a kind of pasta tipical of this place, and can't wait to eat it! XD

1. IMG_1600, 2. Sunny Autumn Day!, 3. Tiny Treasures Beside The Road, 4. Autumn colors - autumn leaves / Colors de tardor - fulles de tardor, 5. Autumn Mushrooms, 6. Untitled, 7. Fire & Wine - week 32/52, 8. bigchestnuts...variety " marroni", 9. Mushroom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

io odio l'autunno, l'inverno, il freddo e il buiooooo!! Ridatemi l'estateeeeee ;_;