Thursday, September 15, 2016

Long absence RECAP

Hello Everyone 
It’s been so long I have not been blogging, more than 5 years since the last actual blog post!  
 Well, let me update you with a quick recap of what I have been doing during this long break I took from the handmade world: 
I moved to Edinburgh in 2011, I lived there for a couple of months, really enjoyed that lovely town. The vibe is really good: lots of live music, culturally lively due to the universities based outside the historical center. Seems a bit like a “scottish Bologna” J 
I have been waitressing and enjoying the Fringe Arts Festival in my freetime, joining artists' parties, meeting absolutely lovely and amazing people who I still keep in touch with!  
 I then decided to move down to London, I found a job as shop assistant and the following year I’ve been taken on board by a Recycling Trading Company, after that I moved again and now I’m full time employed for a manufacturing company. London life has been really tough, in the first couple of years I managed to move more than 10 times! However now I live in a nice cozy flat in North London, enjoying London Town with my partner.  
In this whole time I tried to keep something of my passion alive, the easiest one was music, So I managed to keep going to gigs although sometimes I was sooo tired from a whole day or week of work! However I met a lot of great people through music as well, so everything was worth it ;)    
So what brought me back to blogging? 
I see a lot of people around and I always admire the ones who are able to keep cultivating their passions despite everyday work. (Better of course if their passion is their work!) 
I have been scrolling videos on youtube and pictures on instagram and when I came across different artist, I got that itch for creating again, although I always say that and never start due to the limited time I have available, however I hope you stay tuned! 
Let me know what you’ve been up to during my absence from the blog! Looking forward to hear from you!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Thanks for your lovely support!

Dear All,
It’s been a while, hope you're all well!
I received an e-mail from the other day following my last post from more than 5 years ago!The e-mail update is regarding the donation I was able to send thanks to your lovely support following 2011 Japanese Earthquake.
So I just wanted to send you my heartfelt thanks for your support,

I’ll soon post an update on what I’ve been up to during this long absence!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Heart for Japan - Donation for Earthquake

My heart goes to Japan in such a difficult moment.
The flow of news and reports from relatives in Japan are striking my heart really deeply.
The entire amount of the sales of this illustration will go to
If you're promoting anything like this please leave a comment and a link,
Thank You

In questo difficile momento il mio cuore va al Giappone.
L'intero ricavato delle vendite di quest'illustrazione andrà a .
Se avete in corso iniziative simili lasciate un commento con il relativo link,

Available in my Etsy Shop or sending an e-mail to
Disponibili nel mio negozietto
Etsy o inviando un'e-mail a

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Flowery Thorn

"[...] i've often roamed by bonnie doon
to walk by the ocean, the wind & the sky
and like the birdees that sing o' their love,
sae fondly say did i of mine
with lightsome heart i spied a rose
so sweet and aglow on thorny tree
and my false love did steal that rose
and all she left me was but a thorn

A new line for the upcoming spring time, 
inspired by verses of  "Ya banks and braes"
by The Real McKenzies

Una nuova linea primaverile per il nuovo anno.

Available in my Etsy Shop
or sending an e-mail to

Disponibili nel mio Negozietto Etsy 
o inviando un'e-mail a

Friday, November 05, 2010

Minimal Drastic Style - the beauty of geometric figures

Mi spiace davvero di non riuscire ad aggiornare il blog più spesso, ma il tempo a disposizione è così poco!
Vorrei davvero riuscire a fare più cose in una giornata!
In questo periodo sto lavorando su nuovi design per il mio ultimo Negozio Etsy.
Mi sto concentrando sulle figure geometriche, mi piace giocare con i colori e le varie forme.
"In real" sono una persona molto MOOOOLTO (forse troppo) drastica: non esistono grigi, soltanto bianco e nero, preferisco vedere le cose con chiarezza, la franchezza nella vita  e nelle relazioni.
Questo è il mio punto di vista sulla vita in generale e sto cercando di tradurre questo modo di essere nelle mie creazioni.
Ecco perché le forme sono semplici, i colori ben definiti, utilizzo soltanto poche tonalità per volta, perché personalmente non amo i motivi complicati e poco chiari.
La semplicità è la prima cosa che salta all'occhio in questa linea, nei colori, nelle forme e nelle superfici.
I colori che scelgo sono significativi di diversi modi di essere, ci saranno tonalità delicate, per chi ha una personalità gentile e romantica, e tonalità più forti, per chi ha una personalità più decisa.
Spero  che la linea vi piaccia perché ho dei nuovi design in arrivo!  

I'm really sorry I'm not updating my blog more often, but time is SO short!  I wish I could do more things in one day!
I'm actually working on new designs for my last Etsy Shop.
I'm focussing on geometric figures, playing with colours and shapes.
I am a really drastic person:  there are no grey shades in the middle, just black and white, and I like to see things clearly, directness in life and human relatoins.
This is my point of view of life in general and I'm trying to trasfer this way of being into my creations.
That's why shades are simple, colours are well defined and I use just few of them, because I do not like too many colours and little and too detailed motives. 
The Simplicity of this new line is the first thing that catches the eye, with its shapes, its colours, its surface.
Colours that are chosen mean different way of being, delicate, direct, strong etc.
These are another version of pendants I made previously, but more are on the way to come!
So stay tuned! ;D

Disponibili nel mio Negozietto Etsy o inviando un'e-mail a

Available in my Etsy Shop or sending an e-mail to

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Cream Cheese Muffin

Ultimamente trovo che i muffin siano un'ottima alternativa alle "merendine" commerciali, 
io sono una colazione&snack convinta, faccio tre spuntini intra pasto al giorno, ed ingozzarsi sempre di merendine non fa certo bene... inoltre sono davvero velocissimi da preparare, meno di 20 minuti più cottura, più semplice di così! 
Questi sono fatti con crema di formaggio, sono davvero soffici, ve li consiglio! Ho aggiunto 20-30 gr di zucchero alla ricetta.
Buon appetito! ^^

Recently I've found muffins a really great alternative to snacks found in Super Markets, they're definitely healthier... I know... it could be obvious to You but muffins do not belong to italian culture, so that's why You won't find them easily in bakeries. 
These ones are made with cream cheese and I love them! 
I've added 20-30 gr of sugar to this recipe!
Have a good baking! ^^